Monday, September 5, 2011

Day 13 & 14 - Bozeman, Montana

Museum Entrance
Sunday, Sept. 4 (day 13) was a driving day and a day to chill out after we arrived at our campground. We stayed for 3 nights to get some time "off the road" for awhile. It was good to relax. Donna made steaks on the grill and we watched TV at night. On Monday (Labor Day - "Day 14") we visited the Museum of the Rockies. This is fantastic museum and one of the many highlights of our trip. See attached pictures. Inside the museum was a planetarium as well an incredible display of dinosaur bones, palentology exhibits, an Indian cultural section, an early 1900's antiquities display and a special exhibit on frogs from around the world. Outside the museum was a late 1800's farmhouse complete with garden, well pump, spinning wheel and people making bread in the kitchen.
Pleastisaures - Similar to the Loch Ness Monster myth

Triclopteraus (Spelling ??

Adult and Baby T-Rex Skulls

The frog on the right is the most poisonous animal on Earth,
more deadly than the most poisonous snake. One touch of his skin
and you're history.

1800's Farmhouse

Donna standing in the sunflower field

Kitchen - Complete with helpers

Bedroom and spinning wheel to make clothing

Original Sears Roebuck catalog

Water pump at the back of the house.

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