Friday, September 16, 2011

Day 25-26 - Joseph, Oregon (Part 2)

We took several hikes in the 4 days we stayed in Joseph. One was a near vertical climb up 900 feet. Josie went with us and made it without a problem.
View from one point on the trail.

We found this guy at the end of the trail, grazing peacefully near the parking lot

Mike's home on the lake.

Looking down at the lake and the pontoon boat.

View of the home from the lake

Mike & Beth's dogs watching the pontoon boat pulling out.

On the boat - on the way about 3 miles down the lake

Dinner at Mike & Beth's home - inside

Hiking on Hurricane creek

The next day Mike took the RV Fellowship group to dinner at his sister's ranch

Master bedroom in the ranch house

Living room area


This is in front of the mess hall. This is a real working
cattle ranch - 1000 acres

Our RV Fellowship group

Another group picture

The cook - making the top sirloin - at least an inch thick

Now this is a real fire pit.

Our chuckwagon dinner is served.

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