Monday, September 12, 2011

Day 22 - Hells Canyon Jet Boat Ride & Copperfield RV Park

 We pulled into Oxbow, Oregon to the Copperfield RV Park with the Rotary RV Fellowship group that we have been traveling with since Sept. 9. We will be with them for the next 10 days or so as part of this Northwest Adventure. This RV Park was the closest one to Hells Canyon and the jet boat ride we came here to do.
Our group - 10 RV rigs and 20 people

At the entrance to the Hells Canyon Jet Boat Ride

The Visitors Center at the canyon entrance

Our boat was the one on the right

Getting ready to go. we had to sign a liability waiver before the trip

The first set of class 4 rapids

The ride was a blast

This was one of the feeder streams into the Snake river

Cruzin' on down the Snake River. One side is Oregon, the other Idaho.

We stopped about 1/4 of the way down the 27 mile journey down river
to hike within the canyon to a site where there were old Indian petroglyphs.

I'm pointing to one of the petroglyphs

This part of the trail led to an old pioneer home.

Along the trail was another stream flowing into the Snake river

Side view of the pioneer home


Inside the bedroom


What happened to the bed?

An edible plant - tomatillo - which is common in this area
We both ate one of them

Looking down at the river and our boat

Speeding along on the way down river

A couple of rams we saw along the way. We also saw a bear
and and eagle but I wasn't fast enough to get a picture of them

We stopped here for lunch. This is a home for the rangers
that work in the canyon area during the spring, summer and fall.
Everything shuts down in the winter.

Going through the rapids on our way back - upstream!

After the tide we drove back to the camper and stopped
along the road to pick some wild blackberries.

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