Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day 15 - Bozeman Computer Museum /// Farmers Market

 This is a picture of our campground in Bozeman, Montana. It was quiet, relaxing and had perfect weather. We spent the day visiting one of the only computer museums in the US. It was fascinating to revisit history that we actually experienced. Later in the day we went to a local farmers market where we had supper and hung out with the locals.
Donna captured a flower and seed pod at the campground.

Within the computer museum was a large exhibit honoring
women in the sciences. This was one of my favorite quotes.

This was another. As a camper and traveler -  this says it all.

The 1st binary computer - Can you believe it was
invented in 1937 - As most people know - binary
code is the basis of all computer transactions -
simply a series of 1's and 0's.

This is the guy who invented the web - the standard for most of
today's websites.

The 1st desktop computer weighed in at 250 lbs.

Do you remember these? I used to have thousands of these
punch cards piled up on my desk to run programs and gather data.
We've come a long way.

This is the entrance to the museum.

Farmers market - Open 5 - 8 pm on Tuesdays

Donna checking out the fruit and veges.

Dinner at the park with 2 college students from the University of Montana.

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