Saturday, September 24, 2011

Day 34 - Hoh Rain Forest - Olympic National Park

 Today we drove into Olympic National Park to a special area known as the Hoh Rain Forest. After spending a few minutes at the Visitor's Center, we hiked a trail called the Hall of Mosses. It was like walking through the Enchanted forest, or more like Jurassic Park. This area receives 142" of rain every year, more than any other part of the country. As a comparison El Paso has had 2-1/2" of rain this year. Check out the moss hanging from this tree -->

This is moss hanging from 5 large maple trees. Trees in this
area grow to over 200 feet high.

Looking up a tree into the sun - a rare sight in the rain forest

This is us, hanging out in the enchanted moss jungle

Large fern were visible everywhere.

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